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This site is presented for information purposes only. It is intended for your personal, non-commercial use. No information or opinions contained in this site constitute a solicitation or offer by Blackshield Capital Management, Blackshield to buy or sell securities or to furnish any investment advice or service.
This site is presented for information purposes only. It is intended for your personal, non-commercial use. No information or opinions contained in this site constitute a solicitation or offer by Blackshield Capital Management, Blackshield to buy or sell securities or to furnish any investment advice or service.
This site is intended as a general introduction to Blackshield and its products. It does not provide specific investment advice nor does it represent that the services described are suitable for any specific investor. Moreover, the information contained in this site does not provide a basis for making a fully informed investment decision. Those considering an investment in a Blackshield Fund should request a copy of that fund’s offering documents. Also, please note that investment in markets traded by the Phynance Funds involve significant risk. Furthermore, past performance does not guarantee future results.
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Information contained on this site, including pricing, valuation, and commentary on any markets traded by Blackshield, reflects Blackshield’s analysis and other information available as at, either the time such information was posted in the site or as otherwise at the date indicated. While any opinions, commentaries, data, pricing and all other information contained on this site are believed to be reliable, Blackshield cannot and does not guarantee its accuracy, timeliness or completeness, nor is Blackshield under any obligation to update such information.
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